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Did You Know . . .

  • Most women have one breast larger than the other.
  • Breast Augmentation is continually the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the U.S.
  • Close to 300,000 women had breast augmentation last year, up 2% from the previous year.
  • In the past year, up to 90,000 women have had a breast lift.
  • 30-39 year olds make up the highest number of breast implant patients.
  • Women over 40 get the highest number of breast lifts.
  • Equally as many women over 40, have had a breast augmentation, as women in their 20’s.
  • Breast implants, whether saline or silicone, do not interfere with breast feeding.
  • The FDA approves cosmetic breast augmentation, with saline implants, for women above
  • the age of 18; with silicone implants the approved age is 22. There is no age limit on implants for reconstructive reasons.


*Source for the above: American Society of Plastic Surgery’s 2010 Plastic Surgery Statistics
